Connection Cards are a simple tool that can have a profound impact on human relationships and well-being.

Kindness Cards

The most popular Kindness Cards have messages like Thank you, You are appreciated, You are loved, You are awesome, You’ve got this, You can do hard things, You did it!, and What you do matters.

When it’s honest and heartfelt, putting a message like that in writing has a bigger and longer-lasting impact than just saying it.

It is a special and unexpected gift that is remembered well past the time when spoken words alone would be forgotten.

Ways to use Kindness Cards in your life and work:


Give (or send) cards to colleagues, clients, and community members to express appreciation, offer encouragement, celebrate milestones, or acknowledge loss. The cards become a tangible symbol of your care and gratitude for them.


Make the cards easily available, and encourage your people to give them to others. This helps them experience the satisfaction of making people smile, and gives them an easy way to participate in creating a culture of connection and appreciation.

Mindful Self-Care Cards

There are over 100 Mindful Self-Care messages in the catalog, including Breathe, You are worthy, It is okay not to know, Keep going, Get curious, and You don't have to be perfect to be lovable. (See the full list here.)

These are messages you generally wouldn't give directly to someone, but they are excellent tools for self-awareness, for opening up meaningful conversations, and for quickly creating a sense of common humanity and trust within a group. Because the cards put words to (and therefore normalize) a huge variety of human experiences, they lower the risk for people to be honest, and you can more easily get to the real conversations that are needed.

Ways to use Mindful Self-Care Cards:

Conversation Starters

Invite your client to choose a card, and talk about how it relates to a particular situation, or to their life in general. This can be done consciously (with cards facing up) or randomly (with cards facing down). Some intuitive healers use these cards as an oracle deck, where they choose the card for their client.

group activities

Lay out a bunch of messages, have each person choose one or two, and invite them to explain why they chose the one(s) they did. This is a good icebreaker activity for workshops or retreats. It’s also a framework for bringing closure to a project or event, or to open the conversation when there's something challenging to discuss. If you work with leaders, you can also suggest this as an activity for them to try with their people.

self care

Choosing a Connection Card inspires me to move from my ego to my True Self, and take action from a place of love.
— Tim G, Ottawa, Canada

The cards are a tool for checking in with yourself and getting centered when life is busy and overwhelming, or when someone or something has thrown you off. Scan through the messages and identify which ones you to get yourself back on track. You can also give a set of cards to clients to use in this way.