Together, let’s help bring authentic gratitude, joy and generosity into the world

Connection Card Lab for Heart-Centered Leaders

Do you care deeply about people and community?

Do you get excited about helping people connect to their unique gifts, and build close and caring relationships with others?

Connection Cards help you do these things even more powerfully.

In the 3-week Connection Card Lab, you’ll experiment with simple ways to incorporate these valuable tools into your work, to see for yourself the ideas they can spark and the impact they can make.

Belonging Workshops for Your People

Do you place a high value on trust, interconnectedness, and a sense of shared purpose?

This series of three workshops can help you organically build that kind of culture — without having to design and lead everything yourself.

Programs are customized to support your specific team, group, or organization, aligned with your own goals and vision.

Relationship Refresh Program

Is there a relationship in your life that you want to make better?

The Relationship Refresh gives you a simple framework for understanding the dynamics of your relationship, and how to shift them in a way that honors both you and the other person. The tools and conversations can be applied any relationship you care about, whether it’s with a romantic partner, family member, co-worker, neighbor, or friend.

I am currently offering a pilot version of this course at a deeply discounted price.

Kindness Ambassadors

Would you benefit from being connected to other heart-centered leaders serving their people and communities?

Kindness Ambassadors use Gift of Happiness materials in fun, creative and inspiring ways to help spread joy and bring out the best in themselves and others. They get deep discounts on all products and programs, and meet once a month over Zoom to share stories, successes, and lessons learned.

Membership in Kindness Ambassadors is FREE through the end of September 2024 for past customers and graduates of the Connection Card Lab.

Custom Programs

What else do you want to explore, practice, or implement related to relationship-building, group culture, or personal leadership? Let’s work together to design a program that excites you, either for yourself or your people.

Fill out the form and I’ll get in touch with you to schedule a time to talk.