Common Street Spiritual Center Fellowship Hall (13 Common St, Natick)
Admission is free; Donations accepted with gratitude
Suitable for adults and interested children ages 8+
Happiness Gatherings are opportunities to put love and gratitude into action, in a fun, safe environment. A discussion of the evening's topic is followed by an opportunity to actually DO some of those feel-good things that you may not get around to on your own.
This evening's topic: Finding the good in your family
All families (like all people!) are mixture of great love and great imperfection. Focusing on what you admire and appreciate about your family members doesn't make their imperfections go away, but it does make it more likely that you will enjoy their company -- and that they will enjoy yours.
At this event, we'll talk a little about the nature of families, then create word clouds that represent our families' unique strengths. (Feel free to define family as broadly or narrowly as you want, and include only the people you want to include.)
Dinner is potluck style, so please bring a dish to pass -- or if you don't have time to cook or get to the store, just donate some money to cover drinks and paper goods.