Roots & Wings Yoga and Healing Arts (317 N. Main St, Natick, MA)
2nd floor Heartwood Room
Join me for this practical and open-ended exploration of how to approach life and other people with more love, honesty, and joy.
I'll bring questions and new ideas that are alive for me on this particular day, and invite you to do the same. This guarantees a rich and unique conversation that won't ever be duplicated.
What has life been like for you lately? What is bringing you joy? What's been challenging you? What are you learning and wondering about?
Are there people you'd like to connect with more honestly and lovingly? New activities you'd like to pursue? Habits that you would like to change? Support you would like to receive?
There is no charge to attend, but donations to Roots & Wings Branching Out 501(c)3 are accepted with gratitude.
Please email me to let me know you're coming.