"Give & Receive" is a semi-structured process I developed to help people find opportunities to share their gifts, make meaningful connections, and appreciate the gifts of others. Here are three videos to watch before you participate: a general overview, how it’s structured, and what to do to prepare.

How to Schedule

I don’t have any public Give & Receive events scheduled right now, but if you’d like me to facilitate one for your group or community, please contact me. I’d be delighted to help you and your people connect in this way.


Where is that handout you mentioned in the third video?
I’m glad you asked! You can download it here. It’s a great place to write down your specific offer and ask before the session starts.

What kinds of things get exchanged?
All sorts of things, both tangible and intangible.  In this time of physical distancing, you can offer tutoring, conversations, feedback, editing, advice, entertainment, gift certificates, photographs, or small items that you would be willing to send through the mail. The only rules are that you may only offer things that would feel good to give away for free, and only accept things that you actually want to have.

I’m really stuck on what to ask for. Any advice?
You are in good company, for sure. But watch this video (4 min) and this one (1 min), and see if they help. The key, I think, is to think not about what you need but about things that you would like.

How long do these last?
This will depend on how many people participate and how succinct people are in their sharing, but my goal or is for it to last no longer than 90 minutes. Also plan to spend some time beforehand thinking about your offers and asks, and afterwards (ideally within 24 hours) following up with the people who were interested.

How do you keep things fair and even?
We don't worry about it. The beauty of only offering things that you want to give, and only accepting things that you really want, is that each transaction is a win-win. The worst case scenario is that you leave with exactly what you came with.

What if I offer something that no one wants?
That is totally okay!  Sometimes it works out that way.  Often, in those cases you will find a perfect recipient for your offer later in the week. The same is also true for requests.

What if more than one person wants what I offer?
That is okay too!  As the person giving, you can choose to follow up with people however you'd like. And even those who want what you have and don't get it aren't any worse off because of the experience.

How and when do I follow up with the people who are interested in what I share?
Within 24 hours of the event, I will email everyone a list of participant names and email addresses, along with a transcript of the chat with everyone’s comments. It is your responsibility to follow up with those people within a week (and ideally sooner).

Can you facilitate a Give & Receive for my group, team or community?
Absolutely! I love bringing Give & Receive to new audiences. It’s a great way for people to get to know each other better, and build a deeper sense of trust and connection. The Give & Receive process can also be built into longer workshops or engagements (either online or in person) that are customized to address particular needs and interests of the group. Contact me and we can set up a time to talk.

Thank you so much for your participation. I look forward to seeing you soon!