My intention was to give all of my kindness cards away, but then I saw one that said “You don’t have to be perfect to be lovable,” and realized it was for me. It’s been taped to my refrigerator ever since.

I put “You can do it” and “Just get started” cards next to my computer, before starting a daunting project. Later, I was delighted to realize I didn’t need them any more. I exchanged them for a “You are awesome” card!

Below are four different ways to use Kindness Cards to support your own growth, well-being, and insight. This list isn’t meant to be comprehensive or prescriptive, but to inspire you to find ways to use these cards that really serve you. Follow your instincts!

Daily Intention-Setting
At the end of the day, or first thing in the morning, choose a card to serve as a reminder for the day ahead. (You can either pick one at random, or make a conscious choice.) Post it somewhere visible, carry it with you, write it down, or simply commit it to memory. Practice bringing it to mind throughout the day and allowing its wisdom to guide your choices.

When preparing to begin a new activity, or any time you’re feeling anxious or uneasy, ask yourself: What do I need right now? Go through the cards, pick out any that seem relevant and helpful to your situation, and think about what you might do in the moment to incorporate their wisdom and help get your needs met.

When you’re eager to understand yourself more deeply, you can choose any card and use it as a journaling prompt. Some questions to consider:

  • How does it feel to read these words?

  • What do these words mean to me?

  • What area(s) of my life does this apply to?

  • What parts of me disagree with it?

  • What possibilities does it suggest?

Seeing Beyond Yourself
When you’re feeling discouraged, it can be helpful to stop looking inward for a while and put your attention on other people instead. Pick a card that you think might be comforting to someone else who is suffering, and leave it somewhere with the hope that it will be found and appreciated. Even a tiny action like that can be enough to start changing the trajectory of your thoughts.