Sending cards to strangers

Every day last week, I sent a card to a stranger, prompted by the 12 Days of Love-Letter Writing project at Each day they email me a few paragraphs about a person who has been nominated to receive a love letter bundle, and an address where I can send my card.

Life is so busy these days, but I look forward to writing these letters. It is an invitation to let go of my self-centeredness, expand my circle of concern, and be reminded of the good inside of me -- inside of all of us.

It's also a good indicator of my own well-being, because I find that it is only actually enjoyable when I'm at peace with my own life and self. When I'm not, it feels like a "should" and drains my energy. So I've been doing more to take care of my needs this past week, to help me write from a place of authentic joy.

I'm wondering: Does this letter-writing activity appeal to you, too? Why or why not? What other small, intentional acts of kindness would bring you joy to do several days in a row?