Card-writing advice for businesses

Lately I've been helping clients think about how to integrate card-sending into their business processes, as a way of building and sustaining relationships with customers.

At a time when so much communicating is done electronically, getting a personal card in your actual mailbox is a special treat, and I love helping people brainstorm who they could reach out to, and what they might say.

One of the tools I often recommend is SendOutCards, which will print and mail custom cards on your behalf, without your having to go to the post office. It makes card-sending quick and easy, and allows you to do things that you can't easily do in a typical handwritten card, like add photos from your phone or computer. Very cool!

SendOutCards also has features that can help automate the card-sending process, like pre-scheduling cards to go out at specific times and sending the same card to multiple people at once. Which also is very cool -- but I'm learning to caution people about. It's all too easy to get excited about efficiencies of scale, and lose the personal touch that makes card-sending powerful in the first place.

As a customer, you know there is a huge difference between getting a card because you know you're on someone's mailing list, and getting a card that was sent specifically to you because someone was thinking about you. And when created with the right mindset, those personalized cards are a gift to the sender as well: not just another item on the "to do" list, but an expression of kindness and gratitude that is inherently satisfying.

So my advice for anyone considering integrating card-sending into their business strategy is this: start small and personal, one card at a time. Heck, you can start right now! Think of someone who has had a significant positive impact on your business, and send them a quick thank you. (If you don't have a card and stamp handy, create a free SendOutCards account and use that.)

When you're done, I'd love to hear what it was like, and what questions it raised for you. Either comment below or contact me if you'd like to set up a time to talk.

Finally, if you know others who might be interested in this approach, please share it! Our world is aching for more kindness right now, and there is so much we can do to help.

I am grateful to have you on board.