The Qualities of a Humble Gift

The word "humble" has been on my mind a lot lately. I wrote this blog post about it a few weeks ago, and now it’s back again as part of the title of a month-long program in February called 29 Days of Humble Giving. I really like both the program and the title. It's about each one of us intentionally offering a humble gift every day, and seeing what kind of magic we can create.

Here are the four characteristics I came up with for what counts for me as a humble gift:

  • The gift is voluntary. In other words, I don’t have to do it. No one would miss it or begrudge me if I didn’t. I’d be totally justified in not doing it, but I choose to anyway.

  • It’s about the other person. I notice them, care about them, am curious about them. I want them to be happy and well, and hope that my gift will contribute to that.

  • There are no strings attached. I don’t need the other person to respond in a particular way in order for the gift to feel worth it. The action is complete and satisfying in and of itself, even if I’m ultimately disappointed by the outcome.

  • It makes me feel good. Lighter. More expansive. Closer and more connected to the person, better about myself, and more at ease in the world.

That's pretty good energy to be putting out into the world every day, don't you think?