A simple card-writing opportunity
/The same wonderful person who has been designing shirts and tote bags for me has also started a group called Club Kindness. Mostly it's for kids, but this month it involves a simple card-writing activity that she's opening to everyone.
You can choose to receive a card, send a card, or both.
If you sign up to receive, you will get a kind letter in the mail. If you sign up to send, you will be writing the letter to a person whose name and address will be given to you.
Of course I signed up to do both.
My favorite thing about the sign-up form is that it asks people receiving to give a little information about themselves, to help senders write letters that they will enjoy reading.
This is so key.
As a sender, this information will make it much easier and more enjoyable to write my letter. I'd much rather write to someone who I know loves dogs and corny jokes, than to someone who says it doesn't matter; just send me anything.
As a receiver, it was a good exercise to picture what would really make me smile. (My request was for people to tell me about things that recently made them happy or proud or excited, which never fails to lift me up.)
If you'd like to join me in this fun little activity, here's the form to fill out. The deadline is this Thursday 11/12/20.
And if you really want to get into it, you can request a set of kindness cards from my website to supercharge your message. I'll mail 5 of them for free, anywhere in the U.S.
Have a wonderful week!