Consistent action pays off!
/It is amazing what a difference daily action can make.
Just over a week ago, I started dedicating an hour a day to Signs of Kindness outreach. Specifically, contacting people in the 12 states that are still sign-less to see who might be interested.
In Anchorage, Alaska, I have my first customer lined up, and am working with the co-lead of a Random Acts of Kindness Meetup group to identify a business that can print them locally for us. We're also lobbying for the business to donate a portion of their profits to the local food bank, which would make the whole arrangement like a quadruple+ win.
In Delaware, I've been talking with someone in Rehoboth Beach about ways her church could sell the signs as a fundraiser. I can think of at least three different ways we could make that work, and am so excited to give it a try.
I've been having fun on Facebook too, engaging with people in learning about about both states. One of many highlights was being reminded of this Moxy Früvous riff (warning: it's got swearing in it) that was recorded at a concert I attended live as a college student back in 1997. It turns out that the trivia fact they featured was wrong -- Delaware has the lowest mean elevation of all U.S. states, not the lowest highest point -- but it was still a wonderful blast from the past for me.
On top of that, I made a wonderful connection this last week with Laura Weiss, owner of Pigs & Things Crafts, who lives in the next town over from me. She is like the answer to a prayer I've been speaking for years: someone who designs things for the love of it, embodies a spirit of generosity, and is excited to co-create new Gift of Happiness products with me.
Within days, we had plans for what to offer and how to work together, and as of today, all the new products are up on her Etsy site for ordering, including a special launch offer good through 9/1/2020.
I am excited to be making progress, and seeing myself take consistent action on something that matters to me.
I am grateful to be getting help from someone whose gifts are a perfect match to mine, and who is delighted to be offering them.
And I am hopeful that there are many more opportunities and partnerships yet to come.
I would love to hear about something you're making progress on that brings you joy. Post a comment and let me know about it!